在馬來西亞,三個不同的宗教(道教、漢傳佛教和華人民間信仰)都會在農曆七月以各自的方式遵守各自的宗教節日,一般的大眾大都會誤以為這三個節日是一樣的。這一集的CULTURE SH!OK 將帶大家探索道教中元節的來源和意義。
感謝Big Asia Media製作
In Malaysia, during the seventh lunar month the three distinct Chinese Religions in Malaysia celebrate a festival that is often thought to be similar. In this webisode of CULTURE SH!OK, we explore the significance and origins of the Zhong Yuan Festival and the three distinct Chinese Religions in Malaysia: Chinese Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese Folk Religion.
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A special thanks to Professor Dr. Yam Kah Kean. Senior Lecturer (Chinese Studies) University Malaya & President of Taoist Association of Malaysia, Persatuan Agama Taoism Malaysia
Address: 66, First Floor, Jalan Puteri 5/6, Bandar Puteri Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
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